jesus is god in the flesh
Jesus is much more than a good teacher, a wise philosopher or a spiritual guru as our secular culture would like to portray him. The Bible clearly teaches that He is God in the flesh, fully God and fully man. He laid aside the power and privilege of his divinity in a profound demonstration of humility, supernaturally conceived in the womb of a virgin; a mystery that though we cannot comprehend it, we believe it by faith.
jesus redeemS
Jesus is not only divine and sinless but He is the revelation of God to fallen humanity. The essence of the gospel is seen fulfilled in this truth that God through the incarnation provided the only means adequate to redeem his fallen world; the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
(See Colossians 2:9, John 1:18, John 3:16-17)
(See Colossians 2:9, John 1:18, John 3:16-17)
jesus offers salvation
We believe that every individual needs redemption from sin and can find this only by experiencing salvation through repentance and confession through faith in Jesus.
1. Admit my need for a savior; confess and repent of my sin.
2. Believe that Jesus is God and that only He could provide atonement for my sin.
3. Confess my faith in Jesus and pursue a relationship with him through prayer, fellowship in church and reading God’s Word.
(see Romans 10:9-13, Titus 3:3-7)
2. Believe that Jesus is God and that only He could provide atonement for my sin.
3. Confess my faith in Jesus and pursue a relationship with him through prayer, fellowship in church and reading God’s Word.
(see Romans 10:9-13, Titus 3:3-7)
If you decided to follow Jesus, baptism is a great next step for you! It’s the outward expression of the inward transformation that happens when we call Jesus our Lord and Savior. If you’re ready to be baptized, stop by Connections or click the button above to sign up for one of our upcoming baptism orientations.